
An accessible indoor navigation tool that helps visitors find key landmarks (like bathrooms, emergency exit, etc.) in large indoor spaces (like campuses, museums, airports, etc.)

#Networks, #Android, #Accessibility, #Interaction Design
Sem 2, ITP, 2023
Play Video about Hero Image of me, apoorva, presenting at the ITP Spring Show 2023


  1. Discover a position anchoring system that does not involve setting up new infrastructure.
  2. Design an inclusive experience of routing and navigation.
  3. Incorporate a plural navigation methodology by being suggestive and not instructional while routing.
  4. Focus on key landmarks that are essential for one’s spatial awareness and not hyper-specific indoor positioning.

Principles of Plural Navigation


Research mindmap on various Indoor and Outdoor Navigation platforms and technology behind them.
Research mindmap on various Indoor and Outdoor Navigation platforms and technology behind them

Navigation is the culmination of, ‘survey knowledge’—orienting ourselves to the destination—and ‘route knowledge’—familiarizing ourselves with and traveling a familiar path. Numerous outdoor navigation tools, such as AccessMap, Accessible Campus projects, Stockholm e-adapt, TP3, etc. are built over geoservices like Google Geolocation that use cellular and WiFi access points for accurate positioning. However, these methods falter indoors, where closed WiFi networks and static cellular access points hinder location detection.

Local Indoor navigation tools like BeMyEyes and SeeingAI focus primarily on immediate surroundings but lack solutions for ‘global indoor navigation’ (e.g., locating an elevator). Prior efforts for accessible indoor navigation either require high infrastructure setup(BLE beacons) or require navigating to sensors(NFC beacons, QR codes, and Tactile Signages).

In collaboration with NYU’s Ability Project and experts with lived experience, a major gap was identified: the need for accessible information on key landmarks (e.g., emergency exits, and bathrooms). Knowing these primary landmarks enables users to navigate secondary locations via local navigation methods.

This universal design problem highlights the need for tools that bridge immediate surroundings and broader spaces. We know users need error correction in direction and distance and, ‘survey knowledge’—familiarizing with routes by recognizing landmarks to realign themselves to their destination.

Key Takeaways

- Plural Navigation Framework humans have 30 degree error in direction Various ways humans navigate the immediate surroundings - cane, wheelchair, sight, smell, touch - tactile signages, ai-bemyeyes
Various ways people navigate outdoors - signages,route planning, compass, turn my turn navigation, gps

User Journey Map

Reverse Engineer

Why is moving internally harder than moving externally?

"There were many people who just gave a one liner saying the person does not have the required skills."

"...You cannot automate networking..."

"...IBM complicates things, there's got to be a better way"


1 Mapping the routers in the space

Image of a floor plan of ITP with all the wifi routers and and key landmarks including emergency exits, kitchen, bathrooms, vending machines and stairways mapped.
Image of a floor plan of ITP with all the wifi routers and and key landmarks including emergency exits, kitchen, bathrooms, vending machines and stairways mapped.

2 Noting the Mac Addresses of each router




north-side open studio


classrooms corridor


room 410


room 411


room 412


room 413




hallway behind the shop


hallway by emergency exit


south-side hallway


mid-floor open studio


south-side open studio

Screenshot of a webpge created to get the mac addresses of routers using an arduino and publishing on the web prototype
Screenshot of a webpge created to get the mac addresses of routers using an arduino and publishing on the web prototype
Floor plan of ITP marked with the bssids of the different routers
Floor plan of ITP marked with the bssids of the different routers

The Android Application

Large indoor spaces like campuses, museums, and airports have closed networks, but as users connect, they can be detected by all routers (BSSID/Mac Address) in the area. AleNav, is a mobile application, that leverages this capability for accessible navigation. The application provides general area detection by tagging landmarks to the nearest router. Using voice, audio, and haptic feedback, AleNav vibrates when pointed in the direction of a landmark, then speaks out the landmark and distance. Users can also type or speak a landmark and scan their phone to orient themselves when it vibrates. The app announces nearby landmarks, aiding in building ‘survey knowledge.’ Orientation and course correction occur when the BSSID/router changes.

The project was developed by creating a dataset of BSSIDs from all routers at NYU ITP, tagging these IDs to landmarks. The application, built for Android, uses precise location to access BSSID data.

Tech explored and used in the process

1. Arduino
2. MQTT (,
3. Node.js
4. JavaScript
5. Android


Fix what you have and states

Why is moving internally harder than moving externally?

"There were many people who just gave a one liner saying the person does not have the required skills."

"...You cannot automate networking..."

"...IBM complicates things, there's got to be a better way"


Fix what you have and states

Why is moving internally harder than moving externally?

"There were many people who just gave a one liner saying the person does not have the required skills."

"...You cannot automate networking..."

"...IBM complicates things, there's got to be a better way"

Learnings and Changes



When the device connects to any router, there is a sudden surge of signal strength followed by a drop. After a few seconds, the signal strength relatively normalizes.
When the event listener is set to any state change, the message interval time here is a few milliseconds. This overloads my server during prototyping.

Since there is a constant fluctuation of +/-2 signal strength, I don’t really need to see that minute of a state change. I added a threshold of +/-5 to update the state change.
This helped with the surge issue on connection or switch to a new router.

Some routers have a higher bandwidth that the others which means you stay connected to those routers even when you move out of the location and closer to another router’s location.

Some routers are very difficult to connect to. This could be because of a another nearby router with a higher bandwidth due to which this routers has gone into hibernation.

Using WiFi routers (BSSID) for navigation could  raise privacy concerns about tracking and data collection.

These can be mitigated by obtaining user consent to a privacy policy, implementing strict data anonymization protocols, and ensuring that no data is stored, only used for real-time navigation.

Next Steps and Opportunity Areas

Fix what you have and states

Why is moving internally harder than moving externally?

"There were many people who just gave a one liner saying the person does not have the required skills."

"...You cannot automate networking..."

"...IBM complicates things, there's got to be a better way"