Hi, I'm Apoorva


I find inspiration in understanding the everyday needs, struggles and stories of living as a community in the 21st century. My work exhibits design thinking with the lens of data-driven socio-technical problem-solving to facilitate positive change in society.

A black and white picture of me, Apoorva, in a bright yellow background. I have black long black hair, i am wearing a scarf and the NYU lanyard.


New York University, Tisch School of Arts / 2022-2024
MPS in Interactive Telecommunications Program

Srishti Institute of Art, Design And Technology / 2016-2020
B.Des In Human Centered Design


User Interface Design, Interaction Design, User Experience Design Process and Methods, UX Evaluation, Service Design, Information Architecture, Visual Communication and Information Visualization

Digital and 3D Prototyping, Front-end and Server-side Web Development(DOM, Node.js, Http, WebSockets, Networks, REST, Express), Programming(with Kotlin, C++ and Python), Arduino, Raspberry Pi, P5.js, Processing, D3,js, Three.js

Research and Analysis
UX Research and Synthesis, Evaluative Research (A/B Tests, Tree tests, Card Sorting, Click Tests, etc.) and Quantitative Research (Data Analysis with R and SQL), facilitating Moderated and Unmoderated User Studies

Figma, Sketch, Invision, Fusion 360, Unity, Zeplin, Webflow,
Adobe XD; Illustrator; InDesign; Photoshop; Aftereffects; Dimension, UzerZoom, Android Studios


Accessibility Researcher / Oct 2023 - Present
Adapting the ml5.js machine learning models for accessible use and play. Research to identify barriers to access within ml5.js tools, and developing guidelines on accessibility best practices for ml5.js.

Sensorium AI
Accessibility Researcher / May 2023 - July 2023
Delivered research and opportunity areas, for building, expressive voice interface and augmentation experiences, adapted to neurodivergent and cerebral paulsey conditions.

UX Researcher and Designer / Jan 2021 - July 2022
Worked on the various service offerings by Trustee Savings Bank, UK and Metlife, USA, by leading their user research, ux development, and testing with emphasis and focus on accessibility. Facilitated various EDT workshops and conducted digital accessibility training.

Experience Design Intern / June - July 2019
Worked on an active client project to redesign a section of a voyage planning and route optimisation tool, using design methodologies to deliver user-end screens with design systems, while participating as a designer within the agile framework for software development.

BRND Studio
UX Design Intern / May - June 2019
Designed a social wellbeing and demographic data collection, management and analysis tool, for tier 2-3 towns and villages of India for an NGO Client, through routine interaction and feedbacks.

India Biodiversity Portal
Interaction Designer / Dec 2017 - Apr 2018
Redesigned a 30,000-member online community portal, attending to the information architecture, web user experience and interaction.

The International Red Cross Enable Makeathon- Applied Singularity
User-Experience Designer for Team Forgrowth (qualified) / Dec 2017
Lead the Innovation Sprint Process to come up with design solutions for Persons with Disability(PWDs) by working with various UX tools and methods.

Grants and Scholarships

Tata Trust Student Scholarship holder 2018;
ACM SIGCHI Gary Marsden Student Development Fund;
Awarded 1st price at the ADI Awards 2021 under the category Design for Social Impact;
Awarded 1st prize at the IAMAI Design Leadership Summit 2020 under the category Social Impact and Bottom-Up Design

Leadership and Participation

Graduate Researcher - The Ability Project / Aug 2022-Present
Currently working with a multidisciplinary research team to design and develop accessible outdoor-indoor navigation tools for mobility within the NYU campus.

Teaching Assistant -Intro to Assistive Tech / Jan 2023-Present
Offering technical and conceptual help to students on the topics of accessibility, inclusive design and assistive technology while assisting the professor with the course material and assignment feedbacks.

Programmer -Decode Vector / Jan 2018-November 2020
Decode vector is a mentored club co-founded by myself for diving deep and wide into theoretical computer science and creative expression with code.

Co-Founder -Dance2Konnect / 2014-2018
A student led social organisation working for the disadvantaged of the society through the medium of dance. A design and dance extension at Srishti as a student club.

Follow my ITP Journey

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Apoorva (@apoorvaonline) • Instagram photos and videos